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Local Governing Board


Woodbridge Trust is a multi-academy trust (MAT). The Board of Directors (Trustees) of the Trust is accountable in law for all decisions about its academies. However, this does not mean that the Board is required to make all the decisions itself. Many decisions can and should be delegated to the Academy Leadership team and the Local Governing Body for each setting.

Governance Structure




LGB Structure.png

Local Governing Body

Core Purpose

• To support the Trust in pursuit of its vision and overall aims

• To promote high standards ensuring that pupils attend a successful Academy

• To hold the Academy Lead to account for academic performance, quality of care and provision

• To have strategic oversight of the day to day running of the academy including safety and well-being

• To manage the finance of the Academy in so far as it has been delegated

• To develop effective communication channels with all stakeholders


Katie Haigh - Chair of Governors

Karen Haworth - Quality of Education Governor

Val Coupes - Safeguarding Governor

Tejal Joshi - Parent Governor

Claire Barron - Parent Governor

Click here to access the Local Governing Body attendance register

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