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6DH Class Blog - Work Experience at Firwood


Last term we started our external work experience for our year 14 students with Bolton at Home. Starting with just two students - we have grown to seven this term. Students have taken part in assisting with the admin at Bolton at Home.

Arfa and Ramona were the first students to take part in work experience.

The Bolton at Home team have commented on how impressed they have been with their hard work and commitment. They were sad to see them go but excited for Tia and Andreanna to start the following week.

As well as having external work experience, we are continuing to offer inhouse work experience to all students, whether that is in the Bistro, working for Firwood admin or supporting with the Feeding Firwood Families scheme.

We are all so impressed with all our students efforts in their work experience and want to say a big WELL DONE for your hard work, commitment and showing fantastic Firwood values.



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