As part of our KS4 accreditation in 10TS we are working towards completing our ASDAN personal progress qualification entry level 1. We are completing 3 units; Preparing drinks and snacks, developing independent living skills: being healthy and taking part in daily routines.
Preparing drinks and snacks.
In this unit we have been learning about simple routines to be safe when preparing food and hot drinks. The students worked in the bistro to prepare the toast, make the hot drinks safely and serve the snacks to their peers.
Taking part in daily routine activities.
In this unit we have been developing our independent skills by completing daily routines such as collecting our own bag and coats from lockers and independently collecting cutlery trays
and dinner.
Developing independent living skills: being healthy.
Developing independent living skills: being healthy. In this unit we have been following personal hygiene routines such as sequencing and carrying out hand washing. We have also taken part in weekly movement sessions such as circuits, rebound and the gym.