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Class 4AW


KS4 Enterprise Project

As mentioned in our last blog, Class 4AW planned, made and sold their chosen items as part of their Enterprise project joining other KS4 classes. Everyone worked hard and made the monster lollipops and friendship bracelets which were sold out. It was a huge success!


We had a brilliant trip just before the October half term break.

Students enjoyed the experience of walking to the local shop and post office in our community and using these amenities. Everyone posted the letters they had written home and bought things at the shop. Not only did they gain useful life skills, but also, students exchanged money to pay for the things they bought applying their learning from the Discovery lessons in class.

Pumpkin Prize!

Students thoroughly enjoyed taking part in the pumpkin competition in school. Everyone worked hard as a team to decorate the 'Barbie' and 'Sonic' pumpkins to earn a well-deserved 2nd place!

Positive Affirmations

This half term, we have been learning about positive affirmations and developing a positive, growth mindset based on the book 'I can do hard things' by Gabi Garcia. Students created their own positive hand prints identifying unique qualities about themselves. They wrote letters to their 'future selves' giving them advice, highlighting their strengths and encouraging them to achieve their goals by believing in themselves.

Remembrance Service

We created our class wreath of poppies for the Remembrance Day Service in school. Selected readers from our class joined others in reading out the poem 'Flanders Fields'. Everyone gathered in the Heart Space for a few moments to show respect and share a few moments

to remember those who gave up their today for our tomorrow.

Prehistoric Life

Students have been immersed in a range of activities and experiences through our learning about 'Prehistoric life'. They have explored rocks, fossils and prehistoric animals. Everyone has enjoyed making fossils and learning about the habitats, diet and features of dinosaurs.

Keeping Fit

In Class 4AW , we have been keeping fit with a variety of physical activities. Students have especially enjoyed playing basketball and displayed amazing teamwork and sportsmanship. They have learned a range of skills such as passing, moving, shooting and stopping with the ball. We have also been enjoying our workouts in the school gym as well as yoga and dance sessions in class.

BBC Children in Need

Friday the 17th of November was a day of fun and laughter but also a time to raise awareness and help children in need. Everyone supported the charity by wearing pyjamas and giving donations. Students designed t-shirts and bandanas for Pudsey posing for photos in their colourful attire. Afternoon was time for a boogie at the school disco. We all had a great day and hopefully raised a generous amount for this incredible cause.

Christmas Card Competition

Perhaps a bit too early but students in 4AW are getting into the Christmas spirit starting with participating in the Woodbridge Trust Christmas card competition. Christmas songs are also beginning to pop up during 'choose' time!



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