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Wildlife Around the World, by 7LB


Hello and Welcome to 7LB’s edition of ‘Firwood News’! We are thrilled to be sharing our class news with you and can’t wait to show you all the fabulous learning we have been doing this term!

For Summer Term our topic in Year 7 is ‘Wildlife Around the World’.

In Independence, we have begun by looking at the ‘Story of Creation’. We took part in a sensory story and looked at different stages of the story. We then created our own collages to represent what happened during each day, using images. We worked together as a team, to do a day each. The final result was a set of 7 images depicting the 7 days of Creation. We have also been creating our own Globes to represent the world, showing what the earth looks like and how amazing it is.

In our Discovery lessons, we have been using scientific enquiry to explore the natural environment around us. We have responded to questions about what we can see and feel, using communication comment boards. Our focus this half term has been using the terms ‘wet’ and ‘dry’ to describe things. This week our focus was Sealife animals, in particular we enjoyed helping the animals escape from being trapped in ice.

In our Movement sessions we have been creating and completing gym circuits in our school gym. Individually, we have used symbolled sequences to plan our own gym circuit. Then we have taken the circuit plans and used these to complete the gym circuit. We have also been developing our independence skills, regarding completing warm up and cool down sessions before PE lessons.

In our PE lessons we have been doing Cricket, Rebound and Tennis. We have been developing our Striking and fielding skills along with teamwork and turn-taking skills.



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