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With an exciting summer term ahead, featuring events like prom, transition day, and Firfest, let's take a moment to reflect on some of the highlights of last term..

D Hartley

Class 4AW

Wow day in Class 4AW! Students enjoyed their 'paperless' experience learning about online safety. We have been learning about different ways to stay safe online to mark SAFER INTERNET DAY 2024. Students have been sharing positive ways in which to use technology and top tips to stay safe including 'do's and don'ts'. We had a debate and a poll on Artificial Intelligence. Students moved around doing some active learning to choose their responses on a moral compass about AI. Everyone took part in the Kahoot quiz on online safety which got a bit competitive!

Well done for winning the Safer Internet Day video competition!

In Communication we have been learning to describe characters, settings and potions based on our text ‘ The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe’. Students enjoyed making magic potions based on ‘Lucy’s healing potion’ in Narnia.

Everyone worked very hard planning and preparing for the KS4 Valentine’s Enterprise project. Students enjoyed making and decorating the heart shaped biscuits.


Students’ enjoyed taking part in our indoor fitness circuit using the CoJo equipment. There were lots of challenges like walking the plank , balancing, target practice, parachute games and a grand finale with a tug of war! It all ended with high fives all around and lots of happy faces! 

It has been amazing to see so many of our students moving on with our swimming skills and making fantastic progress in our hydro sessions!

Community Inclusion

The Community Inclusion Group have been on walks around Seven Acres Country Park. They have enjoyed following a route, finding and walking along the riverbed, enjoying skipping stones and having a drink and snack.

6IA went to visit Morrisons and Café. Students ordered a slice of toast and drink. Some students then went shopping for omelette ingredients. they enjoyed using the self checkout till!

Bistro and Work Experience

Students in 6IA have been completing jobs in the bistro over Spring term. They successfully prepared and sold over 60 pots of granola! 

Work Experience

We have continued our external work experience offer with Bolton at Home, The Community Grocery and more recently the Bolton Hospice Shop.

Arfah has been completing work experience at Bolton Hospice Shop every Monday. She has been folding clothes, sorting stock, rearranging the displays in the shop and interacting with staff. Well done Arfah!

Chloe and Sharon have been completing external work experience at Community Grocers at Kings Church. They have been labelling,  rotating stock, organising stock...

Watch this space for more exciting opportunities!


This term in hydro, as well as working on mobility, more students have enjoyed developing their confidence in the water by spending time working on their independence in the water. They've enjoy spending time with their peers and having fun safely in the water. 

Duke of Edinburgh Awards

On the Thursday 14th March The Deputy Lord Lieutenant of Greater Manchester came to present 14 students with their Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award and 8 students with sectional awards. This event was supported by 6th form students who helped serve drinks to our guest and ran a stall for young enterprise. The Dept LL was amazed with their achievements when looking at the work they have done. Students, parents and staff had a wonderful afternoon celebrating.

Enterprise Winners!

In March, the enterprise group attended the Greater Manchester Young Enterprise Showcase event at the Business Centre, Oldham College. The students left school at 2pm and didn't return from Oldham until after 6pm. During the event they had the opportunity to set up stall and sell their products and then had to present their business to a team of judges and a hall full of their competitors. In total there were 10 presentations from a range of schools, across Greater Manchester, with a variety of exciting and innovative businesses. Yet again our students have blown us all away by winning the Best Presentation Award. As well as this, they still remain top of the leader board in online sales and views.

Another amazing accomplishment and a massive well done from all of us at Firwood!

Don't forget to check out their online store:

Careers Day

Another successful careers day. Thank you to all those employers that came to talk to our students about their business.

Bolton Wanderers in the Community, Carrs Pasties, The Octagon Theatre, Bolton College, Bolton at Home, Trampoline Gymnastic Academy.



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